Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Lit for resolutions.

I decided that I will share one resolution.  I have really slowed down on my reading. I decided that my resolution, (well, one of them, anyway), is to read a minimum of one book a month. This will be easier for some of my books. I can usually read a paperback in a day or two.  There are a couple huge books, (Hamilton, The Complete Father Brown Mysteries), that might be pushing it to get finished in a month. That's why I chose just one a month.  But, I certainly can read more!

I hope to give author, title, and maybe a short synopsis with the ones I finish.  Just to keep me honest.  ;)

My biggest problem at this moment is picking my first book.  I have 6 sitting here, physics, history, philosophy, mystery, and adventure. I think maybe I will start with the mystery.  (Huh, I have TWO mysteries.  Okay, the modern one.) Okay, I have officially chosen a book.  

Reading to commence. 

(One small caveat.  If I don't like the book after the first few chapters, I will get a different one, and give the book a quick Z rating. Z for it was boring to me. Your milage may, of course, vary.)

I have a few other resolutions, but they are sort of reruns, so we'll focus on the books. 
More interesting, anyway. 


npmckay said...

Yippee! Sounds like a good resolution. What are you reading first?

Anonymous said...

A Nevada Barr book. Very much like her writing style. It was inferred that I read very fast, so I didn't set a good resolution for myself. I have several big, big books, though, and want to give myself time with those!

messymimi said...

Books, can't live without them.

Anonymous said...

No, but for some reason I went on a book break. Need to hear up again!