Wednesday, January 03, 2024


I received a kitten a neighbor found in a woodpile.  I named her "Buzz the Hyperactive Wonder Kitten". Mostly because she was always happy (Buzz), ALWAYS on the go (Hyperactive), and could be counted on to get into the weirdest places, sometimes seemingly impossibly so. (Wonder Kitten).  

She wanted to be an outdoor cat most of her life, and was a little explorer.  Never wandered too far, and thankfully never seemed to want to go near the road.

I would have her follow me when I walked the hill by our place, she'd watch and editorialize when I was gardening, and generally reminded me to have fun. 

Lost my little Buzz a few days ago.  She was 20 years old, so she had a long life for a kitty.  I decided she would rest in the pod before she died, so she would be safe, dry, and warm.  She just slowed down like a clock, stopped eating, drinking, just wanted to sleep.  She still seemed to recognize me, just nuzzled my hand and dozed off again when I checked on her. 

Until she just didn't wake up. 

I have some photos of her, she just liked being with me.  

Watching birds and deer.

She squeaked a bit when she slept, instead of snoring.

Her pillow fort!

Relaxing in the pod.

Her favorite method of "assisting" in the garden.  We had several nice chats, when I wasn't asking her to remove her claws from my person!

A nice close up. Amazing I could get it, she would love to investigate anything I had in my hand, leading to EXTREME close ups! 

Just another quiet moment. Until recently, somewhat rare... 

My favorite photo of her, I have it as my wallpaper on my phone.  

Bye, Buzz.  I'll miss you. 


messymimi said...

Please accept my condolences for your loss. No matter how long we have them, it isn't long enough.

npmckay said...

Oh I'm so very sorry! You were definitely her person. What a long life! That's a great photo - the expression is somewhere between "the things I let her do" and "I'm a pretty kitty now. Considering shredding the flower after though."

We lost Eclipse, Rose's dog, just in November fairly suddenly. Still don't know what exactly happened, but she had slow internal bleeding from something. Not cancer and the vet thought it was maybe a heart issue. She was only 6.5 yrs old though.

Hugs my friend!