Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Things change, and things do not.

Husband helped Mom and Dad put in a new TV.  Daddy used to work on TV's for a while, later telephones. I was looking at the TV that they took out. A Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) one. Large, shaped like a box. And heavy, if the size was any indication.

The replacement is a flat screen.  Probably not much thicker than a couple inches. Flat, obviously, with no protruding electron beam, and light weight.  

In fact, an elderly friend of mine bought a new flat screen, like my parents had, because the CRT crapped out.  She had trouble lifting her old TV. She said she nearly threw the new TV over her shoulder, the weight difference was so great!

Telephones have done much the same slim down. What was a solid base, with a full sized receiver/transmitter "handle" complete with coily cord is now a little glass block. 

I make no comment on better or worse, good to some parts of the changes, total pbbbbbt to some of the others.  But, there are seemingly always changes. 

But, I keep reminding myself... People have some things that don't change. They need love, respect and kindness. Easier to some than others, easier to do at some times than others. But... I am guessing, that probably won't change. 

And two sticks and a string keeps me knitting, so I'm good. 

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