Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Things change, and things don't.

 Husband helped put in a TV for my Mom and Dad. The old TV was a Cathode Ray Tube TV. Big, bulky, shaped like a block. And by the size, I would guess, rather heavy. 

The new one? About 2-3 inches thick, and light enough to lift easily.  How things change...

Like a phone. From the phone that had a solid base, a coily cord to a "handle" with a transmitter and receiver. And of course, tethered to a jack, or a wall, so you could get a call. 

The cell phone, the little glass like box that is free of wires, everything in one spot, and portable. (And, depending on what kind, can double as a TV, in a pinch!)

Yes, differences. Changes. It is the way of things, it seems. Some good, some pbbbbbt. But there are some things that don't change. 

People seem to always need love, kindness and respect. Sometimes it's easier said than done, sometimes it's it's a challenge to figure out how.  But it's a constant, from what I've seen.

And, two sticks and string keep me knitting, that's pretty much a constant, too!

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