Monday, January 15, 2024

New, again... : )

 Had made soup, and had half a head of cabbage left, and some onion.

Husband said why don't you make fried cabbage?

Gah... Because I never made it before? Cough.

So I looked up the specifics, and Mom mentioned a bit the recipe didn't.

I cleaned, and chopped, and fried, and plated. And we ate. Husband loved it, wants it again! Not bad for a first try!

Finished a hat and scarf set I was making for myself, will try and get it on the blog soon.

Knock wood, power is still on as I write this (Sunday 3 pm), and we seem to be doing fine. They are predicting a storm Tuesday, so we shall see what happens, but so far, doing well.  I am starting on some preemie hats for a gal that requested them at our local hospital... I still haven't really figured out my ME project, but knitting is good right now. 

To all out there who are dealing with the weather, hot or cold, take care!*

(A gal from Australia wote it was 41C/105F where she is. Yuck!!!)

1 comment:

messymimi said...

I do pray your electricity holds. Enjoy the knitting!