Monday, February 12, 2024

Long day yesterday.

 Went to Mom and Dad's for the game. Mom and I watched said game, Husband and Dad wandered out to work on some problems outside with the truck. Dad was having some trouble with his TV, too. (They couldn't make an effort to care less about the game.)

We ended up with the game being commentated in Spanish. Their cable provider is not very good, but between my heavily rusty Spanish, and English Closed Captions, we were able to catch most of it straight forwardly. Made it a unique time, though!

The guys came in tired and frustrated, guess Dad needs a new part on the truck, and the TV wasn't connecting to the cable (which I would bet is the cable company's fault), so that was a bit of a let down.

During the game, finished the shawl base, now to get the edging done... Pics later. 

Mom seems to like it, and she gave me green as a color, when I get about to make one for her. I guess I am going to make a batch of these! Which is not a problem, so far they are pretty nice to make, as long as I mind the row of the pattern I am on. 

Finally got the blog up this morning, so, enjoy your day. Husband and I are going to have an early Valentine's Day celebration! 

1 comment:

messymimi said...

I'm sorry the game day/truck repair day was rather a bust. I hope you had good snacks to make up for it.