Sunday, February 04, 2024

Nice day.

 It was a nice day here. Husband decided to go visiting, and I decided to putter around the house.  I have my first veggie p**n, and was daydreaming about flowers for this year. Some veggies, too... But mostly flowers. 

I have decided to have "baby gardens", outside of my "big" garden.  I will have an herb garden by my pod, mostly because deer don't LIKE herbs. 

An area that is sort of out of the way and just needs something... I am going to see if a batch of crimson clover might brighten it up. Along with making it a bee happy zone. 

I want to put flowers on my porch boxes, this time I am going to try shade plants in the one, along with nasturtiums. They did pretty well, but I noticed it doesn't get a great deal of sun on the one side. The other side gets a fair amount, so. Sunny flowers? 

And my window boxes. I want to mix my usual petunias with some other drapey plants. And perhaps a tall plant in the back, by the window. 

I hope to plant corn this year. I want to plant Sunflowers, too. (Slava Ukraini!) Then my usual garden "stuff". 

It's so much fun to think about gardening. Don't know how much of it I will manage, but hey, I can try! And I am improving each day. Took my first real walk of any distance to a neighbor, returning a horse brush that was dropped by my house, and it DIDN'T HURT! I walked there and back, without being out of breath, and felt pretty okay. Yay! 

So, if later in the year, you start seeing blogs about me being invaded by plants, you know what happened. As long as none of them call me Seymour...

1 comment:

messymimi said...

It's fun to dream about gardens, especially if you have the touch and the green thumb and can grow stuff. I pray your garden gives you a bumper crop of whatever you plant, plus great joy in the growing of it.