Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Valentine's early, and speeding through a bit of Europe.

 Husband took me out for lunch. At the coast. This is the view from the restaurant we like to go to... Appropriately called "The Hill". Lunch was good, and the waves were very active!

The view from the parking lot, of all places...

We drove down to a park so we could watch the tide do its thing. 

The sun went partially behind a cloud, and gave the ocean a different look.

This little spot is where I almost always see seals. I saw one today.  There IS a seal right near the center, by the water.
Obviously, my attempt to enlarge worked... Not so well. But that's the seal from the above photo. 

While driving in Newport, we saw a couple  whale statues*, which lead to some jokes, "There be whales, Captain", and so on.

Then we wandered around and Husband started up a road, and I realized we were going to a marine store we have frequented, Englund Marine. Wales? England??

We chuckled at the two, then headed of to the old part of town, where Husband pointed out a sign with SCOTCH in big letters, so we figured that would count for Scotland, and then the joking about taking a quick trip though part of Europe. 

I kept looking... And looking... But nothing more, until we were on the way home, just outside of Corvallis, and I saw a road sign, Ireland Lane. We laughed about getting all around that area for Valentine's, and in an afternoon, no less! 

* I don't know if statue is quite the right word, they are huge fiberglass items, set on a pedestal about the size of a car or a little bigger.

1 comment:

messymimi said...

I'm glad you enjoyed an early Valentine's Day dinner. Some people here celebrated on Monday since Tuesday is Mardi Gras and Wednesday, Valentine's Day, is also Ash Wednesday (a day of fasting if you are Roman Catholic, which I'm not but a lot of people here are).

What a fun way to have a whirlwind tour of the British Isles!