Monday, September 16, 2024

Tomatoes, tiny to Titanic.

 I was told to quit watering my tomatoes, and they would start to get ripe. So, I have not watered them for about a work week. 

I picked. And picked. And picked some more... The tiny ones, you look at them funny and you'll get a dozen toms. I must have pulled a crazy face, because there were a fairly good bowl full!

The bigger ones were finally coming on, too. I have one, the tomato is bigger than my palm. I had to pick a little green, however, since it's going to rain on Tuesday. I go to all the trouble of growing the things, I don't want them cracking and turning to mush...

So, I have been busy. 

Oh, and the acorn squash and pumpkins are looking pretty good too! 


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