Saturday, January 11, 2025

One through 10, yet again! :)

 Linky bits

1. I found out January 10 is Quitter's Day. I am happy to say I have not quit on last year's resolution, this year I set a goal of 15 books. I also have not, so far, missed a day on this year's resolution, to give myself 30 minutes of meditation/prayer/reflection time. 

2. I ordered yarn from Denmark. It had to come through L.A.. I really didn't know if it would be delivered, delayed, or what, with all the fires. It arrived on time, and in good condition. Thanks to the port, and USPS!

3. I detest fog. It is very unpleasant for me, and we've had several days of it in the last week or so. But, it has made me even more thankful for the bright, sunny days that came after, and will be coming in the next few days. 

4. Cocoa. I make it from a recipe from my Grandma M's cookbook, since I have been trying to lose weight. With fat free milk, and minimal sugar, it lets me cheat without big problems... 7 pounds down, and hopefully more to go!

5. Wandering through the garden in my head. Yes the seed catalogs are arriving! If I had a zillion dollars and 10,000 acres, I might be able to get all the ideas I have from the various seeds and plant varieties! But it's fun to think about. 

6. Christmas things are pretty much away, and I am finding minimal glitter... One ribbon on a gift had glitter, and I am still finding some on the table cloth, but a good wash will hopefully eliminate it... 

7. While it's not healed, my knee is improving. Oddly, the doc had recommended physical therapy. 

Then... Crickets. 

But a day or so ago, I received a call, I am set up for therapy, next month. So, I hope for the best, and maybe get back to my normal.

8. Playing with hat patterns. I have working on some hats for chemo patients at the hospital, and I have found OODLES of different styles and patterns online, so I am more likely to make more. And hopefully the patients will like the variety, too.

9. Many, many, many years ago, one of my doctors told me to take vitamin C for my eyes, as they were getting gummed up, (TMI, sleep gunk, but worse). Well, I was starting to get that a bit, and started talking C again. Not only has that problem gone away, a couple others stopped, too! Hot dog!!! Breathing is so nice!

10. I am thankful for the new people that are renting across the road. They are letting sheep, and cows into the pasture across from us. They also have not been feeding the animals silage. 

If you haven't smelled it, think of vinegar, garbage, a marsh, and just a hint of vegetable matter, mixed into a slush, then concentrated. 

The one renter put that right in the wind track to our house. I am much thankful these folks don't!!!!! 


Please have a wonderful week, and keep a thought out for the people of California!


messymimi said...

Yours is such a cheerful list! I am praying PT will get your knee back to where it should be.

clark said...

we're getting there! (summer, (too soon?)) lol but I'm typing this at 5:00 pm and it's not dark yet! surely the 80 degree weather can't be far behind
have a good week

Kristi said...

The people facing the fires have definitely been on my mind. It's just unreal what is happening there.

Misky said...

Seed catalogues - just love them! A lovely list of thankfuls this week.

Lisa Tomey said...

I used to make chemo caps and having different patterns was nice, so people had a variety of choices.

Cat said...

Me, too!

Cat said...

Well, spring weather, at any rate!

Cat said...

Agreed. Hoping it works out to the good for them.

Cat said...

Yep!!! Thanks!

Cat said...

Absolutely. And I don't get bored knitting them...