Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Yarn chicken fail.

So, I had ONE skein of this purple yarn. Thought I would make a hat for my Kelley's Chemo Caps. I had never used the yarn before, but by precision eyeball, it seemed like it was about the same amount I use on my hats. 


Turns out, it's thicker, making it less for a skein than I had estimated. 

Which turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I am not to use wool in my hats (I assume for allergies/itching). I had tossed this in with my acrylics, turns out, it's partly wool. So, I wound it back to a ball, and put it away to use later, either as a scarf or a SMALLER hat for a local church that gives out clothes for the needy.

So, I knit a different hat with all acrylic, might even get a picture of eventually... 

But now I know to check a bit closer when grabbing yarn for my hat projects!





Retired Knitter said...

I am terrible at guesstimating. And I don’t trust patterns to provide the correct yardage either. I typically buy an extra skein - because I am so bad. I still remember one jacket I made. I loved the yarn and color in the picture so I ordered the exact same yarn as the designer used for her project. It called for 9 skeins in my size. I ordered 10. When I was finished the project I had exactly 3 inches of yarn left from 10 balls - and even at that - I had left off the pattern some fringe I didn’t want. That yarn estimate was so off I should have complained to the designer. I didn’t. I am sure you will find something wonderful to know with that lovely yarn - something that doesn’t involve “yarn chicken.” :-)

Cat said...

Yes, I know the feeling. I knit fairly tight, but having mere inches left from a project can be unnerving. Like you said, get extra. This was some I'd bought at a yard sale or some such, so what was there was it... But it will make a nice kiss scarf, or a SMALLER hat.