So, Poor Ding. Double fail. We need to clean out the fireplace, so she has no fire to snuggle about. She loves sitting right next to the end table, she gets reflected warmth, as well as direct warmth. No such luck today.
I kept hearing her jumping on the hearth and meowing today. This is the unmistakable sign we have a bird in the fireplace.
Don't hear anything. Don't see anything. But she was swishing her tail and pawing at the isinglass. So I watched and listened.
POOF!!! A blast of ash flew up, and sure enough, a starling landed right in the center of it. I grabbed Ding, tossed her on the bed, shut the bedroom door, and closed up everything except the front door. Open the fireplace door and...
The stupid bird just sits, looking around. I shoo it, but it just looks at me. Great. 30 degree weather, and I have a bird finding its zen.
Finally, it decided ash wasn't probably its best choice for nesting material, and it did a couple loops around the living room, and left, so I could CLOSE THE DOOR!!!
But Ding, when let out, wanted her bird...
This is a toy I knitted some time before we ever adopted Ding. But for some reason, she DESPISES it.
I used to set it on the back of the couch. Ding would grab and toss it on the floor. Huh. Okay, maybe she thinks it's in her spot. So I move it to a side table. She pushed it off there, too. And she doesn't normally go over there. I tried several places, and she would smack it silly, knocking it down. She even tried sitting on it once.
I finally put it in a back room that she doesn't go in. So far, she hasn't disturbed it.
I think she just doesn't like cold...
; )
PS, messimimi, blog response, it didn't like me today.
"Sad to hear about the kitties, but it sounds like they had a good life. Good luck with your phone, I have found my chooses what sites it works on... Pbbbt. Those Camillas are gorgeous!
1 comment:
Poor Ding. She wants her bird, maybe she needs a bird toy, they have some very fun ones now.
I'm sure she thinks the doll is her enemy, although who knows why.
Thank you for the blog response, I do not know why some days some people can comment, and other days they can't, and sometimes I'm the one who can't comment on some blogs. To err is human but to really foul things up requires technology.
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