Thursday, October 24, 2019

I can't decide...

If I am crazy at the sub, or if the others are.

The little creepies are back...

And there are more of them...

And they are ALLLL on the counter.  I have had to move the blasted things to assist people.  My boss came in and piped up, when he saw the menagerie of toys, Oh, I just love Halloween...


I moved one of the things, I despise spiders, and so it, of course, was dead center of my vision... So, it's now dead center of a box on the counter, so it's readily visible to public, and I don't have to see it!  At least the Hee Haw Child of the Corn is facing AWAY from me. 

Some of the things are kind of cute, a lantern with cutouts of a haunted house, so the windows glow when lit.  An amply endowed derriere witch, and some neat wood cutouts of cats and things. 

But, I guess I find it really not fun to continually have to move stuff to do work.  I seem to be the only grump of the group, so I guess I will let the crap  decorations stay where they are.  Oddly, they are solar powered, so when the lights come on, things on the counter swing and sway...

I guess I should be glad that we don't have haunted house sounds!  Sheesh! 

Signing off...


messymimi said...

Toys that have to be moved to get work done are just in the way. Could you set up a small table so they could be their own display elsewhere?

Cat said...

I'd tried that, she just moved them back. At least after Halloween, they should be gone... Then we'll see what Christmas brings...