Saturday, October 31, 2020

Halloween costume

 So, I need to get started blogging again.  Fair amount of busy...  But mostly, I just didn't sit down and blog. So, for today, it will be short.

This is Ding the cat.  Husband saw a cartoon about bats, and asking if she was a Dingbat.  

Well, now she is!

This costume lasted exactly 3 photos, and she decided it was time to play with the wings.  Um.  Paper wings don't stand up well to teeth.  But Husband loved it, and Ding was patient... For Ding.

So it worked out well.

Tonight, one of our friends wants to bring her son over for Trick or Treat.  I will be putting his candy out in a "Monster Bush" for him to take, I am keeping well away from them, but he will get his candy! (Monster Bush pic later.)


messymimi said...

Love the idea of a Monster Bush.

We put on mask and gloves and bagged the candy and sat outdoors to hand out the bags, keeping the kids at a bit of a distance. Some of them had their nets on the end of a stick to hold out to get their treats, and we felt safe enough from being outdoors and not getting too close.

Gotta say i love your DingBat!

Cat said...
