Friday, April 05, 2024


 I have sent several post cards off, several places in the world. Most of them have arrived, still waiting on one. It's a funny thing, I find out via the Internet that my post cards have arrived. Gives me a chuckle, at any rate. The way it works, I send out cards, and I will receive some from other people in return, (not the ones I sent to, I don't think.) I tested it by sending one, and have received one from Brazil. So I am looking forward to seeing where and what I receive.

I spent the afternoon writing a letter to a pen pal. She's in her mid 90's, and has no computer. Doesn't even like the idea of one. I write her by hand most of the time. I did write her by typing this last time, as I have been knitting a lot, and it made my fingers a bit sore. Typing is a bit easier on them then. I enjoy hearing about her life, and she enjoys my garden exploits, so we write quite a bit.  6-8 pages a letter isn't unusual. 

I am hoping to get some more pen pals.  Strange, the things you enjoy. I like both of these, and one is highly modern, with lots of access and people. The other, a pen, or typewriter, and one other person.

Life likes to have fun, sometimes, I think... 

1 comment:

messymimi said...

There's a lot ot be said for writing letters and how cheering it is to send or receive one.