Saturday, January 01, 2022

January... One.

So, you might have noticed I haven't blogged for several months... I guess a summary would at least explain, if nothing else.

My Dad took a spill, and ended up going to the doctor, as I recall, he had some bad bruises and a cut or two. Well,the doctor heard something funny, and sent him to a specialist.  He ended up needing a heart valve.  It went pretty well, he's been exercising, under the watch of some cardiac folks, and walking, so it seems to have taken... 

Husband and I are slowly helping him sort through a life's accumulation of metal, parts, machines, and stuff.  It's been fun for me to do stuff with Dad. We had a late start, though, and will have to wait till late spring to continue, most likely. 

Friends and family are checking in on them pretty regularly, so it seems like they have good moral support, as well as physical. 

We were starting to get the Christmas festivities ready, I had bought lots of cookie stuff, had 2 or 3 kinds of dough cooling in the fridge.  Needed to make a trip to the store, groceries.  I had pretty much finished my shopping, and had found a seat.  Then I received a phone call.  Denver? Don't know anyone in Denver, reject! Then again.  Reject! Hmm, that one calls again, I am going to answer and let him know it's a wrong number... 

Then I received a text... ??  

The store assistant director was with my mom. Almost simultaneously, the phone rang with Mom calling me that she had fallen.  I hot footed it to the back, where a small group was.  Someone had bodily picked Mom up and put her on a motorized cart, and the other one was telling me they couldn't call 911 with out permission. Mom was telling me she thought she'd broken her hip. We ended up calling, she was send to a hospital about an hour away, as the local ones can't do much bone repair... (?) 

So, during all this, my SMIL, who has dementia, was kicked out of the housing situation she was in. Turns out, they didn't have, didn't know how to, something, but caring for dementia was an overload for the house.  So, FIL decided he wanted to live with us. He figured the expenses would be too much otherwise.  Okay, but it's getting to the rainy season, could you please hang on for a month or so, to let us get things set up? 

Nooooo, I put in my notice, and I have 21 days or so to move. Oh, and do you know any charity shops? Need to dump a lot of stuff. 

So, I was helping Husband get stuff done as much as I could, driving family to and from, and I still had to get the cookies baked, so it didn't go bad, or sit in the fridge forever.  I made up cookie plates.  Let's say, there was no great effort in decorating, either cookies or the house.  

We ended up doing some home decor changes, as FIL got rid of a lot, and had some really nice furniture. He wanted to be in a trailer. Okay.  So we ended up one weekend getting a trailer, the next putting it in our barn. Wasn't the first choice, but it would have been Swamp Central for him, otherwise. 

Husband also set up a ramp for Mom and Dad, and making our driveway passable for FIL, who uses a scooter. 

FIL had a tooth go bad, and this was during Holiday/Christmas time, when dentists aren't easy to find! Ended up taking him to the emergency room, and almost 4 days later, he was able to get the tooth removed. 


As of today, January 1, I wish all a Happy New Year, and I sure hope it's a bit less intense than last!!! (At least for me, and those in the path of the various storms and fires!)


messymimi said...

Praying for you and your family, that you have a wonderful 2022.

Retired Knitter said...

What, what, what, what ...Oh my gosh! You certainly had/have your hands full! When I was a caregiver for mom during her last 8 years of life - blogging kept me sane! It was an outlet, where I could honestly express my feelings and frustrations ... you are going to need a place for that. I will say, as hard as it was in taking care of my mom with dementia, I would do it all again. I don’t regret a minute of it - even though there were some minutes when I thought I would go crazy! Hope to hear more about how you are doing.

Cat said...

Thank you! Hoping and praying that for everyone!!!


Cat said...

I will start blogging again, but that's a more... General? outlet. I journal for the "blood and gore" that I want off my chest. But yes, the blogging helps, which is why I haven't been as 'happy/relaxed' of late, I haven't taken the time to mind dump, and it has to come out SOMEHOW! Nightmares and female doggy-ness are not particularly good ways.


So yes, there will be more...


npmckay said...

Gods! What a few months you've had! Busy and stressful, let alone add the holidays in to the mix. I hope 2022 brings you only good things! :)

Cat said...

Yeah, it's been unique. Thank you, and you, too!