Saturday, January 25, 2025

I thankfully have 10.

 1.  Thankful for the post lady that was a chuckle to deal with. I asked if there was any Christmas stamps left. She grinned, and said, have we got stamps for you! Spreading them out like a poker hand, she said, we have your snowflakes, we have your elves, we have snowglobes! It added a laugh to my day.

2. Finished a pair of socks, and there was an odd mistake. There was a different pattern added on to the leftover yarn. Some might not be happy about it, but I make oddball "left over" socks that can either be one random that I put with another random, or just matching "patchwork" socks. Either way, I have 2 different patterns to use now! 

3. Gray cat hair is allll over my black pants. I could be upset, but you know... I know my cat loves me. I have proof! :)

4. The nice lady at Safeway. I was putting groceries away in my trunk, and my ring slipped off and rolled under my car. This lady helped by waiting while I carefully pulled the car forward, and picked up the ring, that had rolled to the front of the car! 

5. Her trainee pup. Heidi the dog was good and patient pup while we were doing all this, and I got to have some puppy ear scritching time!

6. Happy I could amuse my Dad. With my knee still very iffy, and my Dad having rotten knees from decades of work abuse, we were both on electric carts. I led, since I was doing some shopping. We'd come to the end of an aisle, and I would use hand signals to show right or left turn. He wondered how many people would know what I was doing. I told him, the important thing, you know what I'm doing! And he did! 

7. Working on a pair of slipper socks for me. I found some yarn at my local little yarn shop, and hopefully I can find more of the the same kind, it makes lovely warm socks! (Heavy yarn, worsted... More like boot socks.)

8. Ding has finally gotten over dashing between Husband's feet to go out. I guess yesterday's frozen butt gave her pause... (See yesterday's blog.)

9. A podcast I enjoy listening to had been off for 3 weeks. They are back on again! Yay, get to listen to my stories! 

10. I have been looking through my books, I have several that will going to make this year's goal of 15 books minimum a very interesting variety and good selection! (And that's just the tree books, I haven't gone through the e-books yet...)

Good week to all, good weather, and fine days! Enjoy!!

1 comment:

messymimi said...

A postal worker with a sense of humor, hand signals for turns, warm socks and a cat deciding she does not like snow, it sounds like you had as amusing a week as I did. I hope this one is just as good.